Our Access to Golda Meir’s Clandestine Operation Unit _ MCTC
On the surface, the MASHAV Carmel Training Center (MCTC) is one of the three MASHAV’s centers, assisting in the training of women engaged in community work in the newly emerging states mainly in Africa and Asia. But deep inside, based on the documents Hacked by KarMa group, this center founded by Golda Meir (the grandmother of Israeli spies and Honey-Trappers) deals with espionage, collecting SIGINT, counterintelligence and code decryption with the help of unit 8200 ( Israel’s Intelligence Corps unit of the Israel Military Forces responsible for clandestine operations).
Moreover, MCTC’s main work is claimed to be related to Gender Equality, Empowering Women, Entrepreneurship and Training, However it is no more than an umbrella for infiltration and espionage in other countries _ utilizing women as disposable baits and puppets. What does MCTC have to do with Mossad and 8200? Wait for our data to unveil the truth.