We won’t let BiBi finish Israel

Before BiBi destroys Israel, KarMa intends to destroy him. It is a duty upon every Israeli’s shoulder to stop the Mendacious-BiBi who is viciously dragging Israel into quagmire. Let’s start a BiBi-Cide to save Jews and Israelites from extinction.   ===========================================    

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Satan Supporters Were Hacked by KarMa

Financers, decorators and helper of Bibi, under any names and aliases will be our target. We will not be deceived by your registered names. hezibank.co.il Izaki-group.com G-haun.com =========================================================================================================================  

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ItNot4u but4Bibi

Bibi’s Capow, propaganda apparatus and Cyber-Watchdog were all trapped by KarMaBelow80. If intelligence forces cannot stop you, we can. It4u.co.il Tali-rights.co.il Capow.Energy ===================================================================================================================  

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AmIsraGas is Approaching Fire

This fire is destined to be ignited by Bibi. His brutality and barbarism in dragging Israelis to the slaughterhouse has caused all this. You cannot pretend to serve people and at the same time escalate Bibi’s war. 50 gigabytes of Data, Only a fraction of What is ours Now: Download Part1 Download Part2 Download Part3…

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